What these cards are telling me is that the father - Summer's father - is subconsciously telling us a lot about what happened to Summer. King of Cups is the starting card - it indicates the father being a key factor in understanding what is going on.
The Magician is the next card - right above the King of Cups -, it means communication and juggling with words in a negative sense, being a trickster that misleads people. Fool card is the next one, right below the King of Cups - this man is fooling people by what he is saying.
The Star card on the left is telling me Summer is a star on the sky and whatever happened to her, her father took her somewhere - not too far, though. The mother - in their interview - said she thinks someone 'lured away' Summer. I think she was subconsciously referring to the father wanting to lure away investigation in Mexico and at distant places, saying he 'knows' she was taken away for trafficking.
The father keeps on emphasizing 'I knew it then and there...', 'I knew it right there...', he is repeating his words, his very first posts after Summer's disappearance were about what a shame it is that someone can pass the frontier to Mexico without being noticed - he wrote it on his Facebook account -, it was also him that was talking about a dream of his in which he heard the word 'Maderna', telling us that Maderna is a place in Mexico - as if he had a prophetic dream. Why does he want to lure away investigation?
Wheel of Fortune card is on the right - it is telling me something about a fair, an amusement park. They really had such a video in which the father is sitting in a ferris wheel in an amusement park - Summer was very small, she was on the ground with her mother and the father was sitting on the ferris wheel with two boys, I think. It gave me shivers but he said 'If we fell down from here, we would die.' And one of the brothers says: 'Please dad, don't let me die.' Weird conversation at the top of a ferris wheel but yes, children blindly trust their parents.
It is also the father that - at the end of their interview - says 'I am afraid she is locked away somewhere...' - yes, I also think she is locked away somewhere, this is what Tarot keep on saying all the time. And it is also the father that says 'It was unfortunately her downfall...' - did she fall down somewhere? From the kitchen table? Because the mother has just brought in the kitchen in the conversation.
The mother is scared of coyotes as it turns out - I wonder why she mentions coyotes but there is a place called Wolf Gap not too far from them - my gut says Summer is concealed somewhere close to that place, somewhere between Beech Creek Church and Wolf Gap, closer to Beech Creek Church, though. But her subconscious found it important to mention coyotes. Every word has a meaning just when lies are involved, only God knows why something is said in a certain situation. By now it is a fact that the parents talk about Summer in past tense - first it was shocking to hear, now we are getting used to it... :(